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Plans and pricing

Billed monthly
Billed yearly
Save over 20%


All company attributes
Up to 200 lookups
No credit card needed
    Name & type
  •     Type
  •     Name
    Industry & size
  •     Industry
  •     Employee count
    Online presence
  •     Website
  •     LinkedIn URL
    Headquarter location
  •     Headquarter address
  •     Headquarter city
  •     Headquarter region
  •     Headquarter country

OrgInfo Company API Standard Monthly

All company attributes
per month
Billed monthly for $48
    Name & type
  •     Type
  •     Name
    Industry & size
  •     Industry
  •     Employee count
    Online presence
  •     Website
  •     LinkedIn URL
    Headquarter location
  •     Headquarter address
  •     Headquarter city
  •     Headquarter region
  •     Headquarter country

Have more API lookups or interested in additional features ? Please contact sales@delve.ai for custom made options.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How are API lookups counted?

Only APIs that return a response will be counted towards your free/monthly quota.

When the API does not return a response for a given IP address or domain, OrgInfo will add the IP address / domain for learning and it will be added to its mapping database over time.

How will you bill me?

We offer both monthly and yearly billing for our products. Depending on the plan that you choose for each of your businesses/competitors, subscription will be renewed at the end of each month or at the end of each year.

If you choose to pay yearly, you’ll save 20% compared to paying monthly. All of our payments follow USD pricing.

What types of payment do you accept?

We only accept payments online. We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express cards. We do not accept PayPal.

Can I upgrade or downgrade my plan at any time?

Yes, Delve AI offers pay-as-you-go services and you can upgrade, downgrade, or cancel your subscription plan anytime from the Settings > Subscription page of your business.

If you upgrade anytime, we will apply a pro-rated credit for your existing subscription to the purchase of the new plan. Your new plan will become active instantaneously.

You can also downgrade at any time, but your changes will not take effect until the start of your next billing cycle.

If you change your billing term (from monthly to yearly or vice versa), the dates of the billing cycle for that business will change.

Do you have any cancellation fees?

No. Delve AI offers pay-as-you-go services. We do not have any cancellation fees. You can cancel whenever you want. You will not be billed again after the current billing cycle.

If you cancel, you will lose all paid features at the end of your billing cycle for that plan.